What rigging tools do you need?

Hey guys, it been a while since I shared an update here.
I have been working on encapsulating some of my most used Modular functions that I use in my rigging pipeline and I believe that every rigger or an animator would need and sell it (for a reasonable price) on my cubebrush store.

I have already two modules prepared so far:

  1. A tool that would add stretch properties to an IK Handle joint chain. It doesn't just make the IK Handle stretchy but It would also allow for every joint in the chain to scale individually while the IK handle still evaluating properly. It would also create the common stretch lock feature.
  2. A space switching tool. A non destructive rigging tool, where you can always go back to the node and add more spaces on the fly.

Do you think you will find a use for these tools in your rigs? What are your favourite tools or modules that you like to use to create or enhance your rigs?